Meet Digby and Champ

Meet Digby and Champ

Meet Digby and Champ


The day I picked up Digby (Black Labrador now 5 years old), I was so excited. There were three pups to choose from, all male, and he was the most excited running around and was super cute. So after meeting his doggie auntie, grandma, and sister and reviewing the Kennel Club documents, I signed and collected him then and there. From then on, it has been such great fun. Digby has always been an excited, friendly dog who loves to greet people with a jump and a paw…..goes crazy for treats and a puppachino. He also loves cuddles.

Digby's favourite activities are walking (obviously) and sniffing everything (obviously), but most of all, he woofs to swim….Digby wasn't sure about swimming, and every time we would take him to the river dee, he would get paw deep but never take the plunge. One day he got close, and we shouted go on Digby, and he did it. He swam proud moment, and he hasn't looked back since….in fact, when we go near the water, he can't wait to get in. Digby loves a trip to the shop, and his favourite picks are the Venison Sausages, Sir Woofchester's Roast Dinner & the Beef Bamboodles, which keep his teeth clean and his breath smelling fresh! Digby always wanted a little brother, and last year he got one….Champ!

Champ, our Fox Red Labrador, has been part of the family for around 1 year and a half, and we couldn’t be happier. Champ is very energetic; leave him two minutes in the store, and most of it would be gone. Champ woofs a tennis ball. His favourite activity is to catch them mid-air. Sometimes he drives his brother up the wall….biting his ears, teasing him with toys and being what little brothers are annoying. But there are moments where Digby gets lots of licks, cuddles and woofs from Champ….they have become inseparable. Champ’s favourite picks are a Sausage roll, beef bite treats and, of course, our Kong Tennis Balls…. although they don’t last long.

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