Organic Dog Soap (The Original)

Type: Dog Supplies

Blended locally in Chester, our original dog soap is suitable for all dogs. The soap has been developed for dogs with sensitive skin and does not contain any SLS or parabens which can cause irritations. 

100% organic and made in England. It contains no SLS or parabens.


Ingredients: Sodium Ollvate (Olive Oll): Sodium Cocoate

(Coconut Oi), Sodium Sheobutterate (Shed Butter), Sodim

Cocoobutterale (Cocod Butter), Sodium Castorale (Castor Oll)

Kaolin Clay, Orange (sweet) o, litsea Cubeba (may chang) ol

citrol, citronellol, linolool

Specially made for Digby & Champ by Alphy & Becs